Leonard J. and Virginia M. Herz Currie

Leonard and Virginia Currie at the gate of Currie House II. Blacksburg, Virginia, March 1988.

Leonard Currie headed Architecture in the College of Engineering at Virginia Tech from 1956 until 1962. Before leaving Virginia Tech for the University of Illinois at Chicago, he worked with President T. Marshall Hahn to separate architecture from engineering and lay the groundwork for the College of Architecture. Leonard and his wife, Virginia, returned to Blacksburg in 1982.

Leonard met Virginia at the University of Minnesota, where they both studied for their undergraduate degrees in architecture. They married on February 8, 1937. Leonard collaborated with Virginia on projects throughout his life.

Leonard Currie took the photographs unless otherwise stated.

Currie Family at Havana Airport. June 1951.
Barbara, Bob, Betty
Virginia, Leonard